April 3 - Earth Month Kick-off for Family and Friends, hosted by student Sustainability Ambassadors. Kirkland City Hall, 7-8pm. Register
April 5 - Leap for Green Sustainability Fair & Heat Pump Workshop Mercer Island Community and Event Center, 12:15-1:30pm. Register. Join us for a heat pump workshop as part of Mercer Island’s Sustainability fair.
April 19 - Sammamish Earth Day Beaver Lake Lodge, 11am-2pm. Come stop by our table!
April 19 - Bellevue EarthFest & Heat Pump Workshop Bellevue Botanical Gardens, 11am-3pm. Register. Join us for a heat pump workshop as part of Bellevue’s EarthFest.
April 26 - Issaquah Sustainability Fair Pickering Barn, 9am-2pm. Come stop by our table!
April 30 - New date and time! Heat Pumps, Cool Incentives Workshop Sammamish City Hall. 6-7:30pm. Register. A practical workshop for homeowners. Learn about heat pumps, available rebates and qualified installers.